OK people, time for the Brad Doctrine. When terrorists strike, the following annoucement is made: "All (fill in the blank) are partially responsible for this atrocity, and must immediately begin policing their (fill in the blank), else they all will be considered terrorists, and will immediately be declared anathma, not fit for societal interactions and the protections of the Bill of Rights." Why do I feel this way? Because of "pacifist" Muslim leaders making statements like "We deplore the violence in London, but..." There is no BUT, idiot! You deplore the actions, or you don't. Implying there is ANY reason justifying their actions is tantamount to aiding and abetting, period. America found out that to rein in the KKK, it took Whites, the supposed benefactors of KKK action to bring them down, by passing laws and enforcing them. Yes, it was Blacks who brought the final lawsuits that emasculated the KKK, but it happened because of the laws and attitude changes made by Whites. Muslim terrorists will be reined in when Muslims make them stop, until then, the pacifist will smirk behind their veils, or behind out backs, silently cheering on Al Queda or any other group.
What do you think would happen if all Muslims were put in the position of having to prove they were NOT terrorists? The funding for Jihadists might at first go up, but soon, very soon, it would dry up. Violation of various constitutional rights? Ask the Grand Kleegles of the KKK of the 60's what happened to their constitutional rights. You know what? It's worth the risks