Saturday, September 09, 2006

I Plead Guilty of Schadenfreude

The video of a reporter getting beat up by the subject of his investigate report almost made me grin. The number of times that these twit reporters hound people at their homes, work, in stores, always makes me wish one of their victims would turn around and clean their clocks. I know if I was driving home and saw my wife fighting with a group of three men, I would do as Mr. Suleimen did, and start pounding away on at least one of them. Why people think that a reporter chasing a woman while screaming "have you stopped beating your child" type questions makes for good news is beyond me. Mattes, the Fox reporter who appears to be another good looking airhead type that teh various Fox channels are famous for (we got a bunch of them in Boston too), should know better than to stake out a persons home, accompanied by one of his "victims" and a cameraman. Part of me hopes his face remains damaged enough that he loses the pretty boy look, and having no other skills, has to find real work. You can't hound a person, try to destroy their business, their personal reputation, just for ratings and get away with it. I hope the Mr. Mattes is just the first of these TV reporting leaches that gets what's coming.

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