This will meander for a bit, not quite sure what I want to say. I'm working for my upteenth startup, and it suffers from the same disease of all the other startups. In the face of cold hard facts, the powers that be, or at least a significant number of them, blithely go on with the original plans. Why worry that NOBODY wants or needs your product? Why worry about quality when there are stylistic issues to be handled? Grrrr...I'll get over it.
Then there is the coy coworker trying to hide she is having a long distance relationship. Lady, I really don't care who, where or when you get your jollys, so please don't waste my time torn between giggling and acting sober when you are dancing around the fact you are going to get laid this weekend after a long plane flight. Been there, done that, and not ashamed at all, why are you?
The reaction to the bridge disaster in Minneapolis really pisses me off. Excuse me, you asses who voted 20 million dollars for bicycle paths in RI, and over $250,000,000 for a bridge between two underpopulated places in Alaska, maybe, just maybe, you should better spend the BILLION's you pissed away on earmarks, rather than raise gas taxes, which will only be used for even MORE earmarks.
I see NASA dodged a bad one, letting the space shuttle land with tile damage. Haven't heard about the impact on shuttle turnaround yet, sure they will wait until we forget about this flight before telling us about frame damage. I don't blame them, their VSE is based around the external tank structure, if it is fatally flawed (and it is) they won't have a VSE. I remember a ST:TNG episode where Data and Troi are analyzing Rikers tactical approaches. After much over analysis by Data, Troi reminds him that in the end, he is the man he is, or as Popeye would say, "I'samwhatsIam".
OK, enough of a rant for now. Be back soon.
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