I'm working through some embedded stuff to control an ADF7021 transceiver, and I have the TV on in the background. They are talking about the Great Flood. Well, I'm stuck on a problem, I glanced at it. Worse still, I actually thought about it. The more I thought about it, the more I realized what a preposterous concept the Flood is. A God who created the universe by speaking needs rain to destroy a small piece of it? A God who created the entire universe, down to Man, Woman and the rocks under feet in seven days needs 40 days of rain? Did he suddenly get weak? Did the strain of creating the Universe so drain him he needed help to destroy life on a small fraction of his creation?
This is why I'm an atheist. When you get down to any logical thought process, all religion falls into a maze of irrationality. Think about it, an omnipotent God decides the right way to destroy one of his creations is to flood it out of existence. We've all done this, right? You get a jar, put a bug in it, a little grass, and holes in the cover. Then the neighborhood JERK drops by, grabs the jar and slowly fills it with water till he drowns the bug. THAT is the God of the Bible. He is either not as omnipotent as we all think, or he is a thug that has his creation in a jar, with a water faucet, gas burner and sledge hammer not too far away. Worship such a sadistic weakling if you want, as for me and my house, we live without fear of the capricious actions of a bully.
You’re not overlooking the fact that Noah was 600 years old at the time, are you? Still, that’s just barely middle age, since he lived another 350 years after the flood. God then promised Noah that He wouldn’t do it again … sounds like Somebody admitting He threw a temper tantrum, huh?
I don’t believe much I read in the National Enquirer, but I believe Britney Spears exists … I don’t believe in the Bible, but to me that doesn’t necessarily mean there’s no God. Call me a deist, I guess. It’s amazing how figuring that out straightened a big section of spaghetti in my brain. Ever read The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine?
Good words.
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