Sunday, August 28, 2005

Been Too Long, A note or two on Prophecy

I've been through a lot, and have much to say, but for now, just two quick thoughts.

PBS did an amazing series about the space program years ago called Spaceflight. Narrated by Martin Sheen, it gives the most intimate look at the people who made the space program work up till the space shuttle. There was an interview with Chris Kraft, the senior flight director, related to the Apollo 1 fire (oops, NASA calles it Apollo 204, just to mask the ptroblem). He said "we knew we were going to lose people, and we are going to lose them again," 'it's how we respond that matters'. This aired not too long before Challenger...always thought it was so least until the 'crats destroyed Columbia because of their continied ignorance.

Other quote I always loved was from Ricky Prohl, night of Superbowl 36: "Tonight a Dynasty is born" right he was, in such a wrong way. The Rams went on to lose, and ignomy...the Patriots...well, maybe Dynasty is too strong a word...but close. Be back soon folks, been through a lot, and got a lot to say.

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