Friday, September 15, 2006

Are we Ready for some Nukes?

An interesting, if shallow, debate at about nuclear power. Why has there been no plants built in 30years? Because the public outcry after TMI made it unlikely, if not impossible, to get a building permit. It's not the cost of a power plant, it's NIMBY, and ignorance on the part of the public. Wow, in 50 years nuclear plants have been subsidized to the tune of 150 billion dollars. In the same time, we have subsidized LDC's, or the Third World, or Developing Nations, or whatever we call countries run by thieving thugs that slaughter their population and steal the aid menat for their people to the tune of 4 Trillion, yes TRILLION dollars! Let's see, cheap power for Americans for 150 billion, or lining the pockets of third world thugs for 4 trillion.....hmmmmm, let me think... Not to mention the new power plants are even safer than the incredibly safe plants already in existance. Not to mention that fuel reprocessing technology has advanced far beyond the 70's. But enough. If you live in paranoia and ignorance, you will always oppose nuclear power, and nothing will ever change your mind. Enjoy your darness and cold.

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