Monday, September 11, 2006

Breaking Up Has to be Done

I don't know why the US insists that Iraq has to be a unified country. There are groups within that country that not only hate each other, they believe their opponents NEED to die! We need to look at India/Pakistan, and more particularly Yugoslavia, where the country needed to be broken up along ethnic and religious lines. It's not ideal, it's leaving the potential for lots of future conflicts, yet it is also the fastest road to peace. The borders of Iraq were drawn practically at random anyways, why not create a few more nations and get some borders that make sense? Remember, the only way we had a Declaration of Independence and the Constitution was by the northern states, not just legalizing, but ACCEPTING the horror of slavery! And 70 odd years later, we needed a civil war to settle the issue once and for all. That was an issue that didn't have a "kill you enemy" religious principle behind it. The issues in Iraq DO have "kill you enemy" belief structures, and are intractable. And, before you say they are not intractable, consider your own religious beliefs. Are Catholics going to hell? Are Methodists? Shouldn't "unbelievers" be shunned, except when you are trying to convert them? There are lots of reasons we are becoming a nation of hypenated Americans, and religion is in the top three. Why should we, a nation breaking up, force a united government on a people already fractured by hundreds if not thousands of years of strife?

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