Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Mosquito Party

I should know better, but I have been engaged in a discussion on about Bill Maher. Failing to assault the logic of the arguments, they have resorted to calling me a mosquito. Here is my response:

CavalierX, that's a better analogy than you may think. Google "malaria" someday, and if you are patient enough to read the history of malaria, EEE, West Nile Virus, etc., you will see the mosquito changed the world. The sparkplug was an adaptation of a device to detect malaria (don't worry, I won't bore you with details that require critical thinking). Refrigeration was developed to aid in the healing of people with malaria. The need for pumps to drain the swamps....oh well, hopefully you get the point. Beware of mosquitos, and beware of ignoring them, for in the long run, we will win back our party.

You know, maybe the Mosquito party is a good name for next great political party. A million bites, 10 million bites, can defeat the Wingnuts and the Moonbats. Our choices do not have to be between religious fanatics and socialists. Care to join?

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