Friday, September 15, 2006

It's Happening Again....

Gee, why is it that the latest "report" from the House says that Iran is enriching uranium to weapons grade, but the UN denies it? Sounds a lot like "Iraq had WMD's" argument in 2002/2003. Hopefully we won't be fooled again. Iran was a good option for invasion BEFORE Iraq, now it can't happen. We are too spent, too exhausted to properly handle any crisis in Iran. We took the easy root, invading Iraq when NK or Iran was a more dangerous foe. We have a toehold (NOT a foothold) in the Middle East because of our invasion of Iraq, but it is tenuous at best. Now, with polls showing that Americans are tiring of the folly of Iraq, we are slowly building a case to invade Iran. Sorry, fool me once, shame on you (Tonkin Gulf), fool me twice, shame on me (current Iraq war), and there is no third time. Sorry, Georgie, you lost me.

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